Drainage Dome for DIMA Landing Beds
The DIMA Drainage Dome is a simple but ingenious device which prolongs the life of your landing bed.
The Drainage Dome fits under the weathercover to prevent water pooling on High Jump or Pole Vault landing beds. Water stagnation is a major cause of foam deformation, so this simple drainage dome will keep your landing area in good condition for longer, protecting your investment and athletes' safety.
Easy to use - simply place on top of the landing bed before covering with a rainproof weather cover.
DIMA Drainage Dome specifications
- Available in either aluminium or foam
- Compatible with DIMA weather covers. To be purchased separately
- Suitable for pole vault and high jump landing areas.
- Fits any brand of landing bed and weather cover.
- Will fit underneath most metal storage sheds.
This is a GUIDE PRICE only. Please contact us for a final price before ordering. Alternatively, if you wish to order direct on this website, we will contact you to confirm the price before fulfilling your order.
Guide price includes VAT & delivery